Late Metastasis of Renal Cell Carcinoma in Distal Femur Treated with Knee Joint Preservation: A Case Report
Arghya Kundu Choudhury, Rahul Verma, Aruj Dhyani, Souvik Paul, Tarun Goyal………………………………p.1-5
Late Metastasis of Renal Cell Carcinoma in Distal Femur Treated with Knee Joint Preservation: A Case Report
Arghya Kundu Choudhury, Rahul Verma, Aruj Dhyani, Souvik Paul, Tarun Goyal………………………………p.1-5
Occurrence of Osteochondroma at Unusual Location (Metacarpal): A Rare Case Report
Gireesh Khodnapur, Aravind V Patil, Siddhant G, Basavraj M K………………………………p.6-9
Upper Cervical Leiomyoma in an Adolescent Male
Sanjay B. Dhar, Mishil Parikh, Rohan Bharat Gala, Batsal Gupta, Tushar Kadam………………………………p.10-13
A Rare Bone Erosion due to Fibroma of the Tendon Sheath
Yuto Minagawa, Tomohiro Yasuda, Koji Kanzaki, Atsushi Kusaba, Nobuyuki Ohike, Katsunori Inagaki………………………………p.14-17
Osteosclerotic Multiple Myeloma without POEMS Syndrome – A Rare Case Report
M Divakar, Ashok Shyam, Shailesh Hadgaonkar, Parag Sancheti, Siddharth N Aiyer………………………………p.18-21
Multiple Cantilever K-wiring Technique for Severely Comminuted Articular Fragments in Neglected Distal Humerus Fracture with Anterior Elbow Dislocation: A Case Report
Sanjay Dhar1, Sachin Yashwant Kale1, Sushmit Singh1, Aditya Rajendra Gunjotikar1, Vaibhav Koli1, Suraj Sharma1………………………………p.22-25
Anterior Cruciate Ligament Agenesia in a Patient with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and Open Physes
Pietro Conte,, Federico M Adravanti, Giulia M M Chiari Gaggia, Berardo Di Matteo,, Maurilio Marcacci,………………………………p.26-30
Total Shoulder Reverse Arthroplasty in Alkaptonuria: An Effective Option to Treat a Complication of a Rare Disease
Carolina Tiago Afonso, Susana Pinto, Miguel Freitas, Diana Pedrosa, Afonso Ruano………………………………p.31-33
Combined Greater and Lesser Tuberosity Fracture of Proximal Humerus with Intact Humeral Head and Shaft – A Case Report
Amit Kumar Yadav, Sangeet Gawhale, Sameer Panchal, K S Akshay, Tapas Mohanty………………………………p.34-37
An Isolated Displaced Coracoid Fracture Treated with Open Reduction Internal Fixation with 4 mm Cannulated Cancellous Screw
Gokul Anand Murugesan, Sheik Mohideen, K U Kamal………………………………p.38-40