CASE REPORT – Paediatric Orthopaedics
Journal of Orthopaedic Case Reports | Year: 2011 | Volume: 1 | Issue: 1 | Page: 22-25
Juxtaphyseal Intraosseous Hemangioma of Proximal Femur causing coxa vara andcoxa breva deformity in a growing child: a Case Report
Authors: Hae Ryong Song1, Ashok K. Shyam1,2
1 Rare Disease Institute, Department of Orthopedics, Korea University Guro Hospital, Seoul, Korea.
2Indian Orthopaedic Research Group, Mumbai, India.
Address for correspondence:
Dr Ashok K Shyam,
Indian Orthopaedic Research Group,
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.
Introduction: Bony hemangiomas are rare lesions in growing skeleton. Affection of the epiphyseal plate by a bony hemangioma leading to growth retardation is rare.
Case report: We report the radiological picture of a juxtaphyseal osseous hemangioma affecting the capital femoral physis leading to coxa vara and coxa breva deformity. This hemangioma is also a rarity as it has both intracortical and intra medullary components. A diagnostic and therapeutic
CT guided core needle biopsy/decompression was performed to confirm the histopathological diagnosis and to decompress the lesion. Patient was treated conservatively with shoe raise and regular checkups and at two year follow-up there were no interval changes noted on the radiographs with patient completely asymptomatic.
Conclusion: Juxtaphyseal hemangiomas may be amenable to needle decompression, however longer follow will be required to assess the further response.
Keywords: osseous hemangioma, capital femoral physis, coxa vara.
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