Get your research noticed!
Writing your research paper well is the first stage to increase readership and popularising your research. The key questions to deal with while writing your paper is to not only to clearly think and state the message you intend to convey (what are you trying to say?) but also to keep in mind whom you are trying to convey this message to (who is your audience?). A well written paper based on specific journal guidelines which clearly states the message in a very reader-friendly way is one definite method to get your research noticed. The next stage to get your research noticed is to publish it in peer-reviewed indexed journal. To make a journal and its content widely available and to facilitate broad dissemination of articles to researchers and scientists in the field, indexing of the journal is necessary. A journal is typically indexed on indexing services such as Pubmed, Ebsco host, Index Copernicus based on a track record of timely publication of issues and the quality of the scientific content.
One of our primary goals is to make sure that articles published in the Journal of Orthopaedic Case Reports (JOCR) reach to maximum audience. The first step towards this was to acquire the International Standard Serial Number (ISSN), thus indexing JOCR as a registered periodical. Second was to create an effective online portal which is user friendly and met all international standards for a well connected website. Our job was rewarded with more than twenty thousand visitors on the website in last 3 months. Orthopaedic surgeons from more than 100 countries have visited the website and have downloaded articles from the first issue. Most frequent visitors belonged to India, followed by United States of America, Germany, France, United Kingdom, Russia, China, South Korea, Japan and the Middle East. With such wide outreach, the submissions have increased manifolds and from all corners of the world making JOCR a truly International Journal. With this we come to the most important criteria that establish a journal’s credibility and outreach, Journal Indexing. Currently in its second issue, we are happy to convey to the reader that the JOCR has now been indexed by the international indexing bodies Index Copernicus and Ebsco Host. Articles published in JOCR are also available on Goggle scholar which makes them searchable by the Google search engine. With these steps the availability and outreach of the articles published in JOCR has increased manifolds. We are effectively using the social media (Facebook and Twitter) to promote articles in JOCR. On facebook individual articles are displayed with the details of the authors and the abstract. We have created our own archive and have an online backup which is linked to the website of Orthopaedic Research Group. We have also allowed various repositories like LOCKSS to collect, preserve, and serve this Archival Unit for Journal of Orthopaedic Case Reports. This will safeguard the articles and ensure uninterrupted availability of the article online. In future we aim to increase the number of indexes where our journal is listed. This can happen only with time as we publish more issues with top quality peer-reviewed scientific articles. We urge the readers to submit more quality papers so that their research is widely noticed and read.
On request of our readers we have now started a separate section on Technical Videos, which can supplement the technical note. These videos can be accessed online with the journal articles. We urge authors to submit intraoperative videos or videos of clinical results which will not only support the article’s clinical findings but also increase the quality of their work. In another major change we are now processing and rewriting all articles that are accepted for publication in JOCR. This is done through the Manuscript Assist and Publishing Service’ (MAPS) of Indian Orthopaedic Research Group (IORG). Editors (and authors too) have noted good improvement in the article quality by use of this facility which is made available by IORG free of cost to the authors.
We at JOCR are leaving no stone unturned in making your research widely recognised at all fronts, including improvement in article quality, online availability, archiving, and registering with international Indexes. In future we aim to make JOCR among the top most International Journal in Orthopaedics. In this work we have received tremendous co-operation and support from Editorial Board members, Authors, Reviewers and Orthopaedic Community in general and we thank them all. With this we leave you to enjoy the second issue of Journal of Orthopaedic Case Reports.
Best wishes
Dr Ashok Shyam. MS (Orth) Dr Gautam Shetty. MS (Orth)
Editor-in Chief – JOCR Editor-in Chief – JOCR
Email – editor.jocr@gmail.com
Website – www.jocr.co.in
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