Discoid Double-layered Lateral Meniscus: A Case Report
Ethem Burak Oklaz , Ibrahim Kaya , Murat Ciceklidag , Resul Bircan , Muhammed Furkan Tosun , Ulunay Kanatli ………………………………p.152-155
Discoid Double-layered Lateral Meniscus: A Case Report
Ethem Burak Oklaz , Ibrahim Kaya , Murat Ciceklidag , Resul Bircan , Muhammed Furkan Tosun , Ulunay Kanatli ………………………………p.152-155
Discovery of a Novel Yadav–Kunal Reflex in Context of Upper Motor Neuron Lesions: A Report of Three Cases
Sandeep K. Yadav , Kishor Kunal , Abhay Elhence ………………………………p.156-161
Extra-oral, Non-mucosal Approach for Oncologic Resections of the Mandible: A Case Series
Vijay Haribhakti , Shruti Morabia ………………………………p.162-167
Philosophies and Surgical Techniques for Ewing’s Sarcoma of Spine with Review of Literature
Rajendra Sakhrekar , Carlo Iorio , Samuel Yoon , Maria Pia Monjardino , Randolph Gray , Stephen Lewis ………………………………p.168-175
Computer Navigation-assisted Bilateral Total Knee Arthroplasty with Osteosynthesis in Single Sitting in Patients Presenting with Distal Femur Fracture with Pre-existing Knee Arthritis: A Case Series
Sujoy Bhattacharjee , Shashank Tomar , Akhil Ahlawat , Avijeet Prasad ………………………………p.176-181
Post-surgical Pyoderma Gangrenosum after Total Knee Arthroplasty: A Rare Case Report and Literature Review
Vikram I Shah , Shrikunj Patel , Jayesh Patil , Gautam M Shetty ………………………………p.182-186
Unilateral Biportal Endoscopy for L5-S1 Extraforaminal Stenosis (Far Out Syndrome) – Technical note With Literature Review
Ji Soo Ha , Rajendra Sakhrekar , Hee-Don Han , Do-Hyoung Kim , Chang Wook Kim , Shreenidhi Kulkarni ………………………………p.187-193