JOCR Orthopaedic Video Journal
Case Report | Volume 9 | Issue 3 | JOCR May-June 2019 | Page 1-2 | Ashok Shyam. DOI: 10.13107/jocr.2250-0685.1390
Authors: Ashok Shyam[1, 2]
[1] Sancheti Institute for Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation, Pune, Maharashtra. India.
Address of Correspondence
Dr. Ashok Shyam,
Department of Orthopaedic, Sancheti Institute for Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation, Pune, India.
Email: drashokshyam@gmail.com
The era of Videos have arrived!
OrthoTV has been running successfully for last two and half years and has seen tremendous growth in this part of the world [Asia Pacific]. The number of people visiting and watching videos has tremendously increased but most importantly the number of surgeons wanting their videos to be screened has also increased drastically. The quality of the videos are really good and contribute towards learning.
Both viewers and contributors response got the JOCR Editorial board thinking about it. Most surgical videos are about management of one case which is very similar to a case report. There is always learning points in the videos that a viewer can learn. Although the basic surgical principles are common for most surgeries, we found that the most surgeon are doing things slightly differently as per their experiences. There are difference in their dissection planes and approaches to fractures or diseased part. We believe this will make up for a very good academic material from which many can learn surgical techniques and also adopt tips and tricks that they find easier. It is something quite similar to learning process of a case report and hence we decided that it is time to include videos in our submissions too. We have decided to call these articles as JOCR Orthopaedic Video Journal which will catalogue and chronicle all such video articles.
Although JOCR has in past published video techniques [1] but till few years back initiating an Orthopaedic Video Journal was a technical problem: Hosting of videos, quality of videos, surgeons not primed to record videos, low bandwidth internet at most places in India and Asia causing download issues and the dreaded ‘buffering’. But technology has drastically changed in last few years specially the internet speeds have improved drastically. Even on social media the consumption of videos by orthopaedic surgeon is huge. In the facebook group of Indian Orthopaedic Research group we have relayed some video lectures live and also some webinars through OrthoTV. Both these experiments attracted thousands of surgeons who watched. With these advances in technology and these changes in learning pattern of orthopaedic surgeons, we are sure that the Orthopaedic Video Journal will surely succeed.
The orthopaedic Video Journal will initially restrict to Surgical techniques only. The authors have to record the technique in high definition and edit it to make it maximum 15 minutes video. They also have to do a voice over however if they need help in voiceover they can contact the editorial office. To demonstrate the surgical technique on complete case has to demonstrated in the video. The preoperative details and clinical findings with x rays have to mentioned which should be followed by the surgical technique. In surgical technique, positioning of the patient needs to be demonstrated first, approach has to be shot in details with information about plane of soft tissue dissection. Important surgical steps have to be recorded and commentary to it has to be added. Post operative protocol including the medical protocol wherever essential should be mentioned. Rehabilitation protocol should also be mentioned in the video. In the end important learning point from the technique has to be added to the video. The presentation can be made in ppt and recorded or we jocr office can also help in recording the video online. It is optional to keep authors self video, however we would prefer if the author add it. The video should be accompanied by a short text which will have the title, abstract [a small 100 words summary abstract], keywords, followed by surgical steps in brief: Authors can mention the video timings in brackets to denote steps in the video too. Authors can use maximum of 5 references for Orthopaedic Video Journal Article.
We would like to invite our readers and orthopaedic community to participate in the Orthopaedic Video Journal and we would be happy to assist you with recoding and voiceover and processing of the accepted videos.
Thanks and keep reading & watching JOCR!
Dr Ashok Shyam
How to Cite This Article: Shyam A. JOCR Orthopaedic Video Journal. Journal of Orthopaedic Case Reports 2019 May-Jun;9(3):Page 1-2 |
Dr. Ashok Shyam |
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