Case Report | Volume 10 | Issue 5 | JOCR August 2020 | Page 74 | Mehmet Faruk Çatma, Serhan Ünlü, Önder Ersan, Alper Öztürk. DOI: 10.13107/jocr.2020.v10.i05.1847
Authors: Mehmet Faruk Çatma[1], Serhan Ünlü[1], Önder Ersan[1], Alper Öztürk[1]
[1]Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Diskapi Training and Research Hospital, Ankara, Turkey.
Address of Correspondence:
Dr. Alper Öztürk,Ankara Dışkapı Yıldırım Beyazıt Training and Research Hospital, Irfan Bastug St. No 38/1 Altindag, Ankara, Turkey.
Dear Editor,
We read the alleges about the articles mentioned. Although there are minor mistakes about surgery times in each article there is no malicious intentions as claimed. Similar claims were made in Bozok Medical Journal before and all were answered there. Here will be repetition of response again (1). In summary; the first article was submitted to the journal in June 2015 and published in September 2016. The article was in revision period for almost 1,5 years. The outcomes of the patients were reported as it was in 2015. While by the time patient had osteoarthritis and operated again for total hip replacement.
After the surgery authors decided to write the long-term outcomes cause the long-term outcomes were different so the second article was written (2). The authors concluded in each article that the outcomes of these patients are related with the effected chondral size. Unfortunately, due to the long revision times and difference of the corresponding authors and institutions there were minor mistakes regarding times.
In conclusion although there are minor mistakes about dates there is no contrast in results and authors still conclude that the outcomes of the patients with a bullet in hip joint is directly related to the degree of chondral injury.
1. Catma MF, Ozturk A, Aksekili MAE. Letter to the Editor. Bozok Med J 2019;9(3):161-162.
2. Catma MF, Ozturk A, Aksekili MAE. Clinical and Functional Outcomes of Bullet Removal from Hip Joint: Five Year Follow-up of 3 Cases. Bozok Med J 2016;6(3):60-64.
Dr. Mehmet Faruk Catma | Dr. Serhan Unlu | Dr. Onder Ersan | Dr. Alper Ozturk |
How to Cite This Article: Catma MF, Unlu S, Ersan O, Ozturk A. Letter to Editor – Reply: A case of Treatment of the Bullet, Traversing Femoral Neck, Lodged in Hip Joint: Initial Arthroscopic Removal and Subsequent Cartilage Repair. Journal of Orthopaedic Case Reports 2020 August;10(5): 74 |
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