Technical Note
Volume 2 | Issue 2 | JOCR April – June 2012 | Page 24-26 | Ravindranath VS, Madhusudan, Murthy GVS.
A New Device for Percutaneous Elevation of the Depressed Fractures of Tibial Condyles
V.S. Ravindranath, Madhusudan Kumar, G.V.S.Murthy
Osmaia Medical College,Hyderabad,Andhra Pradesh,India
Address of Correspondence
Dr.V.S.Ravindranath, MS (ortho),Plot No: 50, Srinivasa nagar Colony West,S.R. Nagar, Hyderabad, 500038, AP.E-mail:
Phone No: 98493 86816.
Introduction:Monocondylar tibia plateau fractures with non-comminuted fragments can be treated using percutaneous screws. Currently indirect methods of reduction are used and thus the technique is limited to fragments with less than 5 mm depression. The first author has designed a device for direct elevation and reduction of the fragments thus potentially expanding the indications of percutaneous screws to fragments with >5mm depression
Technical Note:A total of ten cases were treated by this method of percutaneous elevation of the depressed fractures of lateral condyles of the Tibia using this device. Device was inserted through a bony window on the anteromedial surface of tibia. The inner piston of the device in slowly hammered inside thus elevating the depressed fragment. Elevation of fragment could be achieved in all the cases. The fractures were fixed with cancellous screws applied percutaneously. There were no cases with loss of fixation or subsidence of the fragment. All cases achieved radiological union and have good knee function at follow up.
Conclusion:The new device is able to elevate unicondylar tibia plateau fragments with no subsidence or loss of fixation in our series. A longer follow up in a larger sample will be needed to establish the technique.
Keywords: Depressed lateral condylar fractures of Tibia, new device.
How to Cite This Article: Ravindranath VS,Madhusudan K,Murthy GVS.A New Device for Percutaneous Elevation of the Depressed Fractures of Tibial Condyles:Technical Note. J Orthopaedic Case Reports 2012 AprilJune;2(2):24-26.Available from: |
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