Case Report of Pediatric Osteomyelitis: A Double Whammy of Unusual Etiology and Antibiotic Susceptibility
Malavalli Venkatesh Bhavana , Prashanth Inna , Archana Mahalingam , Ranjeeta Adhikary , Anjana Aravinda ………………………………p.1-4
Case Report of Pediatric Osteomyelitis: A Double Whammy of Unusual Etiology and Antibiotic Susceptibility
Malavalli Venkatesh Bhavana , Prashanth Inna , Archana Mahalingam , Ranjeeta Adhikary , Anjana Aravinda ………………………………p.1-4
Case Report of Femoral Neck Stress Fracture in X-linked Hypophosphatemic Rachitis Patient Treated with Mechanical Axis Correction and a Literature Review
Maria Tirta , Ole Rahbek , Søren Kold ………………………………p.5-9
Peripheral Arterial Disease and Prosthetic Joint Infection Resulting in Hip Disarticulation: A Case Report
Anderson Lee , Kiran Boyinepally , Kyle Behrens , Phillip J Stokey , Nabil Ebraheim ………………………………p.10-13
Subtrochanteric Pathological Femur Fracture in an HIV-Positive Patient on Tenofovir-based antiretroviral therapy: A Case Report and Review of the Literature
Siddharth Choudhary , Karthick Rangasamy , Shankar Naidu , Ravinder Kaur Sachdeva ………………………………p.14-20
Facial Plates in Phalanx Fracture-Non-Union of Great Toe – A Case Report
J Harish Babu , J Benjamin Vinodh , Nitesh Kumar Rathi , Girinivasan Chellamuthu , P S Arun Vignesh ………………………………p.21-24
Massive Periprosthetic Osteolysis Spreads to the Soft Tissue and Pelvic Region after Primary Total Hip Replacement: A Case Report
Eleonora Ponomarjova , Darta Jakovicka , Peteris Studers ………………………………p.25-29
Chloroma – A Rare Case of Metastatic Tumor to Dorsal Spine in Patient of Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Causing Acute Paraparesis
Vishnu Vikraman Nair , Vishal Kundnani , Abhijith Shetty , Mukul Jain , Sunil Shamjibhai Chodavadiya , Jenil Patel ………………………………p.30-33
First Metatarsal Bilateral Stress Fracture: A Case Report
Leonardo Previ , Marco Guidi , Giulia Rescigno , Riccardo Di Niccolo , Fabio Marzilli , Dario Perugia ………………………………p.34-37
Osteochondroma of the Acromion Process: A Rare Case with an Unusual Presentation
Nishant Jagdale , Rahul Mahamuni , Akshay Pundkar ………………………………p.38-42
Delayed Presentation of Sciatic Nerve Palsy Due to Post-traumatic Pseudoaneurysm Following Pelvis Fracture: A Case Report
Sarah Fried , Matthew Lipphardt , Drew D. Moore ………………………………p.43-47