A Polyostotic Paget’s Disease Involving Lumbar Spine Presenting with Cauda Equina Syndrome: An Unusual Entity
Shailesh Hadgaonkar, Shaunak Patwardhan, Pramod Bhilare, Parag Sancheti, Ashok Shyam………………………………p.1-5
A Polyostotic Paget’s Disease Involving Lumbar Spine Presenting with Cauda Equina Syndrome: An Unusual Entity
Shailesh Hadgaonkar, Shaunak Patwardhan, Pramod Bhilare, Parag Sancheti, Ashok Shyam………………………………p.1-5
Traumatic Dorsal Hand Reconstruction through A free Anterolateral Thigh Flap, Induced Membrane Technique, Toe Joint Transfer, and Joint Prosthesis
Loukou Blaise Yao, Sebastien Hugon………………………………p.6-8
Leg Impalement – A Rare Injury Pattern Case Report
Gabriel Pina, Maria Rita Vaz, Ana Vaz, Nuno Borralho………………………………p.9-12
A Case Series of Acute Painless Bilateral Foot Drop Without Cauda Equina Syndrome
Manoj Kumar, Nikhil Jain, Nitin Adsul, Shankar Acharya, R. S. Chahal, K. L. Kalra………………………………p.13-16
A New Pediatric Monteggia Fracture Type 4 Variant
Ehab S Saleh,………………………………p.17-20
Atypical Femoral Fracture in a Patient without Bisphosphonate or Denosumab Exposure-A Case Report
George F. Georgiadis, Dimitrios G. Begkas, Konstantinos A. Maniatis, Alexandros E. Vasilakis, Stamatios Theodoros D. Chatzopoulos, Alexia P. Balanika………………………………p.21-24
Coracoid Osteotomy, Greater Tuberosity Take Down and Latarjet Procedure for Missed Bilateral Locked Anterior Shoulder Fracture-Dislocations in a Young Man
Neil Jones, Oliver Clough, Avadhoot Kantak, Surendra Patnaik………………………………p.25-29
Open Reduction and Internal Fixation of a Pediatric Talar Body Fracture using a Medial Malleolar Osteotomy – A Case Report
Connor J. English, David J. Merriman, Cindy L. Austin, Simon J. Thompson………………………………p.30-32
Management of complex femur fractures in children:
A report of Three Cases
Shrihari L Kulkarni, Sunil Mannual, Manjunath Daragad, Naveenkumar Patil, Daniel Ernest………………………………p.34-38
A Transposition Flap Reconstruction after Resection of a Soft-Tissue Sarcoma in the Buttock
Akio Sakamoto, Takashi Noguchi, Shuichi Matsuda………………………………p.39-41